
Deputy Recruitment Manager


Homebased - Wales

Employment Hours 

Full Time

Employment Type 



£43,314 per annum

Job Highlights
  • This is an exciting opportunity to join the Recruitment Service as a Deputy Recruitment Manager.
  • If you want to be valued as a professional, be appreciated at work and contribute to better outcomes for the children and young people connected with TACT, apply now.
  • Whilst being homebased, the Deputy Recruitment Manager will be required to travel for recruitment activity across Wales and the Bristol areas.
Job Requirements/Description

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Recruitment Service as a Deputy Recruitment Manager. This role is responsible for the successful recruitment of new TACT foster carers, proactively building excellent relationships with potential fostering applicants & guiding them through the assessment & approval process.

Job Title: Deputy Recruitment Manager

Salary: £43,314 per annum (increasing to £48,126 in 18 months) + £750 Homeworking Allowance

Hours & Contract: 35 Hours per week - Permanent Role

Location: Homebased - Wales - travel required for recruitment activity across Wales and the Bristol areas.

As a ‘not for profit’ organisation, TACT puts the needs of our children and carers first and look to appoint individuals who are as passionate about fostering as we are. We are a homeworking organisation, and we pride ourselves on our flexible working opportunities, available from day one, an extensive wellbeing programme and our benefits package, all curated to nurture a healthy work life balance for all our employees so they can give an excellent service to our carers and the young people and children we care for.

As a foster care charity, TACT invests all surplus income into services, staff, carers, and child development. This means that we have been able to invest unique projects like TACT Connect, our unique and ground-breaking scheme for TACT care experienced young people and adults, as well as our expanding TACT Education Service and our new Health Service. All our activities are built on our commitment to becoming a fully trauma informed organisation, in line with our key values and ethos.

TACT achieved 16th place in the UK Best Companies Work For survey results in 2023, with 91% of employees acknowledging that the organisation is run on strong values and principles and 94% stating they feel proud to work for this organisation.

This is an exciting opportunity to join the Recruitment Service as a Deputy Recruitment Manager. This role is responsible for the successful recruitment of new TACT foster carers, proactively building excellent relationships with potential fostering applicants & guiding them through the assessment & approval process.

If you want to be valued as a professional, be appreciated at work and contribute to better outcomes for the children and young people connected with TACT, apply now.

Overall Duties of the Deputy Recruitment Manager will include:

  • Overseeing the assessment process providing supervision and support to Independent Assessors and internal assessing Social Worker.
  • Managing and providing quality assurance for all Form F assessments through to approval.
  • Working closely with Area Teams to identify training opportunities for applicants in assessment
  • Attend and provide up to date information to area team meetings.
  • Providing an ongoing customer focused relationship with applicants

We are looking for candidates with:

  • BA or Master’s in Social Work or Dip SW, CSS or CQSW qualification
  • Current Registration with the relevant professional body
  • Experience of working in Children's Services
  • A Management qualification (or the willingness to undertake one)
  • Experience of working flexibly as part of team
  • A passion for ensuring children receive the highest quality care from their foster family
  • Experience of delivering training to potential foster families and supporting them in their journey

TACT offer an excellent employee benefits package including:

  • 31 days paid holiday plus 8 annual bank holidays.
  • Flexible working arrangements (including compressed hours, flexibility around core hours, volunteer days policy).
  • Family friendly policies.
  • Homeworking ‘bundle’ including annual allowance, IT equipment and a loan for home office set up.
  • Help@Hand Employee Assistance Programme (including CBT counselling, 24/7 remote GP appointments, physiotherapy, mental health support and second opinions on serious diagnosis).
  • An hour a week of live, expert led activities through the Annual Employee wellbeing Programme.
  • Menopause Policy and free Menopause Clinician Appointments.
  • Stakeholder Pension Scheme (salary sacrifice).
  • Fantastic learning and development opportunities for all roles.

Whilst being homebased, the Deputy Recruitment Manager will be required to travel for recruitment activity across Wales and the Bristol areas. There is also a requirement to be able to travel to team meetings, wellbeing days, TACT away days and other in person events across the UK as and when required. Due to the location of the recruitment activity, candidates located in Wales (ideally south East Wales - Cardiff and Newport) would be preferred.

An Enhanced DBS clearance is required for this role and will be processed by TACT on your behalf.

Please see the Job Information Pack, Job Description and TACT website at tactcare.org.uk for more detailed information.

Closing Date: Sunday 22nd September 2024

Interview Dates: Monday 30th September 2024 (via Microsoft Teams) & Tuesday 8th October 2024 (second stage - in person - Bristol)

Safeguarding is everyone’s business and TACT believes that only the people with the right skills and values should work in social work. As part of TACT’s commitment to safeguarding, we properly examine the skills, experience, qualifications, and values of potential staff in relation to our work with vulnerable young children. We use rigorous and consistent recruitment approaches to help safeguard TACT’s young people. All our staff are expected to work in line with TACT’s safeguarding policies.

We reserve the right to close a vacancy earlier than advertised if the volume of applications is excessive, you are therefore advised to apply at your earliest convenience.

TACT does not accept unsolicited CVs from external recruitment agencies, nor the fees associated with them.

Teitl y Swydd: Dirprwy Reolwr Recriwtio

Cyflog: £43,314 y flwyddyn (yn cynyddu i £48,126 mewn 18 mis) a £750 Lwfans Gweithio Gartref

Oriau a Chontract: 35 awr yr wythnos - Swydd Barhaol

Lleoliad: Gweithio gartref - Cymru – bydd angen teithio ar gyfer gweithgareddau recriwtio ledled Cymru ac yn ardal Bryste.

Fel sefydliad ‘nid-er-elw’, mae TACT yn rhoi anghenion ein plant a’n gofalwyr yn gyntaf ac yn ceisio penodi unigolion sydd yr un mor frwd dros faethu â ni. Rydym yn sefydliad gweithio gartref, ac rydym yn ymfalchïo yn ein cyfleoedd gweithio hyblyg, sydd ar gael o’r diwrnod cyntaf, rhaglen llesiant helaeth a’n pecyn buddion, i gyd wedi’u curadu i feithrin cydbwysedd iach rhwng bywyd a gwaith i’n holl weithwyr er mwyn iddyn nhw allu rhoi gwasanaeth rhagorol i’n gofalwyr a’r bobl ifanc a’r plant rydym yn gofalu amdanyn nhw.

Fel elusen gofal maeth, mae TACT yn buddsoddi’r holl incwm sydd dros ben mewn gwasanaethau, staff, gofalwyr a datblygiad plant. Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod wedi gallu buddsoddi mewn prosiectau unigryw fel TACT Connect, ein cynllun unigryw ac arloesol ar gyfer pobl ifanc ac oedolion ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal, yn ogystal â’n Gwasanaeth Addysg sy’n ehangu (TACT Education Service), a’n Gwasanaeth Iechyd newydd. Mae ein holl weithgareddau’n seiliedig ar ein hymrwymiad i fod yn sefydliad sy’n deall trawma yn llawn, yn unol â’n hethos a’n gwerthoedd allweddol.

Cyrhaeddodd TACT safle rhif 16 mewn arolwg o’r cwmnïau gorau i weithio iddynt yn y DU yn 2023. Roedd 91% o’r gweithwyr yn cydnabod bod gan y sefydliad werthoedd ac egwyddorion cryf ac roedd 94% yn dweud eu bod yn falch o weithio i’r sefydliad hwn.

Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i ymuno â’r Gwasanaeth Recriwtio fel Dirprwy Reolwr Recriwtio. Mae’r swydd hon yn gyfrifol am recriwtio gofalwyr maeth TACT newydd yn llwyddiannus, gan fynd ati’n rhagweithiol i feithrin perthnasoedd rhagorol â darpar ymgeiswyr maethu a’u tywys drwy’r broses asesu a chymeradwyo.

Ymgeisiwch nawr os ydych chi eisiau cael eich gwerthfawrogi fel gweithiwr proffesiynol, cael eich gwerthfawrogi yn y gwaith a chyfrannu at ganlyniadau gwell i’r plant a’r bobl ifanc sy’n gysylltiedig â TACT.

Bydd Dyletswyddau Cyffredinol y Dirprwy Reolwr Recriwtio yn cynnwys:

  • Goruchwylio’r broses asesu, gan ddarparu goruchwyliaeth a chefnogaeth i Aseswyr Annibynnol a Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol asesu mewnol.
  • Rheoli a darparu sicrwydd ansawdd ar gyfer holl asesiadau Ffurflen F hyd at eu cymeradwyo.
  • Gweithio’n agos gyda’r Timau Ardal i ganfod cyfleoedd hyfforddi ar gyfer ymgeiswyr ym maes asesu.
  • Mynychu a darparu’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gyfarfodydd timau ardal.
  • Darparu perthynas barhaus sy’n canolbwyntio ar y cwsmer gydag ymgeiswyr.

Rydym yn chwilio am ymgeiswyr sydd:

  • Yn meddu ar BA neu Radd Meistr mewn Gwaith Cymdeithasol neu gymhwyster DipSW, CSS neu GCPSW.
  • Wedi cofrestru gyda chorff proffesiynol perthnasol ar hyn y bryd.
  • Â phrofiad o weithio ym maes Gwasanaethau Plant.
  • Yn meddu ar gymhwyster rheoli (neu barodrwydd i ymgymryd ag un).
  • Â phrofiad o weithio’n hyblyg fel aelod o dîm.
  • Yn frwdfrydig dros sicrhau bod plant yn cael gofal o’r ansawdd uchaf gan eu teulu maeth.
  • Â phrofiad o ddarparu hyfforddiant i deuluoedd maeth posibl a’u cefnogi ar eu taith.

Mae TACT yn cynnig pecyn buddion gwych i weithwyr, gan gynnwys:

  • 31 diwrnod o wyliau â thâl, yn ogystal ag 8 gwyl banc blynyddol.
  • Trefniadau gweithio hyblyg (gan gynnwys oriau cywasgedig, hyblygrwydd o ran oriau craidd, polisi diwrnodau gwirfoddoli).
  • Polisïau ystyriol o deuluoedd.
  • ‘Bwndel’ gweithio gartref, gan gynnwys lwfans blynyddol, offer TG a benthyciad ar gyfer sefydlu swyddfa gartref.
  • Rhaglen Cymorth i Weithwyr Help@Hand (gan gynnwys cwnsela Therapi Gwybyddol Ymddygiadol, apwyntiadau 24/7 o bell â Meddygon Teulu, ffisiotherapi, cymorth iechyd meddwl ac ail farn ar ddiagnosis difrifol).
  • Awr yr wythnos o weithgareddau byw dan arweiniad arbenigwyr drwy’r Rhaglen Flynyddol ar Lesiant Staff.
  • Polisi Menopos ac Apwyntiadau Clinigydd Menopos am ddim.
  • Cynllun Pensiwn Rhanddeiliaid (aberthu cyflog).
  • Cyfleoedd dysgu a datblygu gwych ar gyfer pob swydd.

Er yn gweithio gartref, bydd gofyn i’r Dirprwy Reolwr Recriwtio deithio ar gyfer gweithgareddau recriwtio ledled Cymru ac yn ardal Bryste. Mae gofyniad hefyd i allu teithio i gyfarfodydd tîm, diwrnodau lles, diwrnodau cwrdd i ffwrdd TACT a digwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb eraill ledled y DU yn ôl yr angen. Oherwydd lleoliad y gweithgareddau recriwtio, byddai ymgeiswyr sy’n byw yng Nghymru (de-ddwyrain Cymru yn ddelfrydol – Caerdydd a Chasnewydd) yn cael eu ffafrio.

Mae angen archwiliad manwl gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (DBS) ar gyfer y rôl hon, a bydd yn cael ei brosesu gan TACT ar eich rhan.

Dyddiad Cau: Dydd Sul 22 Medi 2024

Dyddiadau’r Cyfweliadau: Dydd Llun 30 Medi 2024 (Microsoft Teams) a dydd Mawrth 8 Hydref 2024 (ail gam - wyneb yn wyneb - Bryste)

Mae diogelu yn fusnes i bawb ac mae TACT yn credu mai dim ond y bobl sydd â’r sgiliau a’r gwerthoedd iawn ddylai weithio ym maes gwaith cymdeithasol. Fel rhan o ymrwymiad TACT i ddiogelu, rydym yn archwilio sgiliau, profiad, cymwysterau a gwerthoedd darpar staff mewn perthynas â’n gwaith gyda phlant ifanc agored i niwed. Rydym yn defnyddio dulliau recriwtio trwyadl a chyson i helpu i ddiogelu pobl ifanc TACT. Disgwylir i’n holl staff weithio yn unol â pholisïau diogelu TACT.

Rydym yn cadw’r hawl i gau hysbyseb swydd yn gynharach na’r hyn a hysbysebwyd os yw nifer y ceisiadau’n ormodol, felly fe’ch cynghorir i wneud cais cyn gynted ag y bo modd.

Nid yw TACT yn derbyn dogfennau CV digymell gan asiantaethau recriwtio allanol nac yn derbyn y ffioedd sy’n gysylltiedig â nhw.


Homebased - Wales

Employment Hours 

Full Time

Employment Type 



£43,314 per annum

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