Head of Centre


Parkwood Leisure



Employment Hours 

Full Time

Employment Type 



Job Requirements/Description

Head of Centre

Plas Menai National Outdoor Centre

Salary £56,112 - £61,535, +Bonus, +Accomodation package

This is an ideal role for an individual who is motivated by running their own facility. Whether for the development of your career or the belief in a worthwhile role the satisfaction, pride and personal responsibility you gain from such a key position will be important to you.

Primary objectives:

  • Input into and implement the strategy
  • Provide clarity of direction and accountability to all staff in the delivery of the business plan
  • Seek opportunities to develop the ongoing viability and commerciality of the business, developing relationships and partnerships with different agencies and bodies.
  • Provide clear leadership to inspire, develop, and manage all centre staff
  • Continuously seek improvements in the level of service and satisfaction, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment
  • Enhance both the financial performance and usage of the Contract
  • Be responsible for the performance of the contract, actively managing the growth of existing and new income streams and identify opportunities to reduce expenditure
  • Ensure the effective running of the facilities for the community
  • Manage, develop and co-ordinate staff resources effectively to meet the operational requirements of the Contract
  • Oversee the design and implementation of the activity programme on site, developing initiatives to enhance the outdoor sector offering
  • Oversee the design of instructional training programmes and the recruitment and continued training of appropriately qualified staff
  • Develop, maintain and evolve good relations with existing clients
  • Monitor the performance of the operation through the proper Company accounting and reporting procedures
  • Take responsibility for health and safety and actively participate in the maintenance and improvement of the overall health and safety culture
  • Ensure that policies, procedures, practices and activity licences are reviewed, remain valid and are fit for purpose
  • The ability to speak the Welsh language is a desirable quality

Qualifications & skills

You will have a recognised qualification in a related subject, preferably to degree level or NVQ 3. With a proven track record in managing and developing related facilities, you will ideally have achieved a presence within the industry that ensures personal credibility.

What can we offer you?

  • Generous annual leave
  • Free gym membership for you and a nominated person at our sites
  • Employee discount portal
  • Pension Scheme
  • Company sick pay
  • Career progression
  • Training and development

We are proud to be Equal Opportunity Employers that are committed to inclusion and diversity.

If you are interested in applying we suggest that you do so at the earliest opportunity as interviews will be held throughout the process. If you have not received correspondence in 21 days then please assume your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

Pennaeth y Ganolfan

Canolfan Awyr Agored Genedlaethol Plas Menai

Cyflog £56,112 - £61,535 +Bonws +Pecyn llety

Mae hon yn rl ddelfrydol i unigolyn sy'n cael ei gymell gan weithredu ei gyfleuster ei hun. Boed er mwyn datblygu eich gyrfa neu'r gred mewn rl werth chweil, bydd y boddhad, y balchder a'r cyfrifoldeb personol a gewch o swydd mor allweddol yn bwysig i chi.

Y prif amcanion:

  • Cyfrannu at y strategaeth ar gyfer y busnes a'i gweithredu
  • Darparu eglurder cyfeiriad ac atebolrwydd llwyr i'r holl staff wrth gyflwyno'r cynllun busnes
  • Chwilio am gyfleoedd i ddatblygu hyfywedd a masnachadwyedd parhaus y busnes, gan gynnwys datblygu perthnasoedd a phartneriaethau gyda gwahanol asiantaethau a chyrff, yn unol darpariaeth Plas Menai
  • Darparu arweiniad clir er mwyn ysbrydoli, datblygu a rheoli holl staff y ganolfan
  • Ceisio gwelliannau yn lefel y gwasanaeth a boddhad yn barhaus, gan sicrhau amgylchedd diogel a phleserus
  • Gwella perfformiad ariannol a defnydd y Contract yn gyson
  • Bod yn gyfrifol yn ariannol am berfformiad y contract, gan reoli twf ffrydiau incwm presennol a newydd, a nodi cyfleoedd i leihau gwariant
  • Sicrhau bod y cyfleusterau'n cael eu gweithredu yn effeithiol ar gyfer y gymuned
  • Rheoli, datblygu a chydlynu adnoddau staff yn effeithiol i fodloni gofynion gweithredol y Contract
  • Goruchwylio cynllun a gweithrediad y rhaglen o weithgareddau ar y safle, gan ddatblygu mentrau i wella'r hyn a gynigir gan y sector awyr agored
  • Goruchwylio cynllun y rhaglenni hyfforddi cyfarwyddiadol, a recriwtio a pharhau i hyfforddi'r staff sydd chymwysterau priodol
  • Datblygu, cynnal ac esblygu cysylltiadau da gyda chleientiaid presennol
  • Monitro perfformiad y gweithredu drwy weithdrefnau cyfrifyddu ac adrodd priodol y Cwmni
  • Ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am iechyd a diogelwch a chymryd rhan weithredol yn y gwaith o gynnal a gwella diwylliant iechyd a diogelwch cyffredinol y Cwmni
  • Sicrhau bod polisau, gweithdrefnau, arferion a thrwyddedau gweithgarwch yn cael eu hadolygu, yn parhau i fod yn ddilys, ac yn addas i'r diben
  • Mae'r gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn rhinwedd ddymunol

Cymwysterau a sgiliau

Bydd gan ddeiliad y swydd gymhwyster cydnabyddedig mewn pwnc cysylltiedig, yn ddelfrydol hyd at lefel gradd neu NVQ 3. Gydag enw da am reoli a datblygu cyfleusterau cysylltiedig, yn ddelfrydol bydd deiliad y swydd wedi sicrhau presenoldeb o fewn y diwydiant sy'n sicrhau hygrededd personol.

Beth all Legacy Leisure ei gynnig i chi?

  • Gwyliau blynyddol hael
  • Aelodaeth campfa am ddim i chi a pherson wedi'i enwebu yn ein safleoedd ni
  • Porthol gostyngiadau cyflogeion
  • Cynllun Pensiwn
  • Tl salwch y Cwmni
  • Cynnydd gyrfaol
  • Hyfforddiant a datblygiad

Rydym yn falch o fod yn Gyflogwyr Cyfle Cyfartal sydd wedi ymrwymo i gynhwysiant ac amrywiaeth.

Os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais am y rl hon, rydym yn awgrymu eich bod yn gwneud hynny cyn gynted phosibl i osgoi cael eich siomi oherwydd cynhelir cyfweliadau drwy gydol y broses. Sylwch, os nad ydych wedi derbyn gohebiaeth o fewn 21 diwrnod, dylech gymryd yn ganiataol bod eich cais wedi bod yn aflwyddiannus y tro hwn.



Parkwood Leisure



Employment Hours 

Full Time

Employment Type 



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